Click Therapy for Dogs (and the people who love them)
Welcome to Click Therapy for Dogs (and the people who love them).
In this podcast, I’ll be sharing information and practical solutions to common and sometimes complex problems related to pet dog companionship, all backed by science, professional knowledge and experience.
Hi, I’m Vivian Zottola, an applied anthrozoologist, dog psychologist, and canine behavior modification trainer specializing in preventing and resolving behavior problems between people and pet companions. People hire me for various reasons, from providing behavior evaluations and puppy training to improving separation anxiety and reducing the risk of a bite to toddler, family member, and other dogs.
Expect to learn a range of dog-centric topics from animal welfare and ethics, the psychology of human-animal relations, best practices for clear communication and management, and mindful, kind, and humane training tips.
Thanks for listening, subscribing and sharing what you learn with others, including your pet companion, who … might love you even more for it!
For more information about Vivian Zottola, MSc and to contact her see www.bostonk9concierge.com
Click Therapy for Dogs (and the people who love them)
Rescue Dog Considerations
In this episode I discuss Rescue Dogs answering listener questions about what the term “rescue dog” really means, how dogs become orphaned and how they enter the “foster care and rescue system”. I provide some new information about the reality of the “honeymoon period” and share personal ethical dilemmas some of which have shaken my core. Last I share a list of considerations any potential guardian ought make prior to acquiring a pet dog companion and particularly those with an unknown learning history. I agree with animal trainer Ken Ramirez when he says that dog training is not a luxury; it is a necessity. As responsible pet owners (guardians), it is our duty to understand how to properly manage and live with our dogs. By doing our research beforehand and practicing best techniques, we can set our dogs up for success in our world and support them in the best way possible.
- How I Met My Dog custom match see here https://www.howimetmydog.com/
- AVSAB Position Statement on Humane Dog Training
- Positive Reinforcement Pet Professionals
- Dinwoodie, I. R., Zottola, V., Kubitz, K., & Dodman, N. H. (2022). Selection Factors Influencing Eventual Owner Satisfaction about Pet Dog Adoption. Animals, 12(17), 2264.
- Bohland, K. R., Lilly, M. L., Herron, M. E., Arruda, A. G., & O’Quin, J. M. (2023). Shelter dog behavior after adoption: Using the C-BARQ to track dog behavior changes through the first six months after adoption. PLOS ONE, 18(8), e0289356. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0289356
- McMillan, F. D., Duffy, D. L., & Serpell, J. A. (2011). Mental health of dogs formerly used as ‘breeding stock’ in commercial breeding establishments. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 135(1-2), 86-94.
- Miller, D. D., Staats, S. R., Partlo, C., & Rada, K. (1996). Factors associated with the decision to surrender a pet to an animal shelter. Journal of the american veterinary medical association, 209(4), 738.
- Mondelli, F., Prato Previde, E., Verga, M., Lei, D., Magistrelli, S., & Valsecchi, P. (2004). The bond that never developed: adoption and relinquishment of dogs in a rescue shelter. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 7(4),
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This podcast is suitable for pet dog guardians, shelters, rescue staff/volunteer fosters, adopters, veterinary professionals, animal trainers, behaviorists, research scientists and anyone interested in learning about human dog relations, evidence based behavior interventions, and ethical and humane practices. All content provided on this podcast is for entertainment and educational purposes only. The podcast host makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information; is not liable for any errors or omissions in the information; will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the display or use of information. All information provided is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any conditions. Listening to this podcast does not guarantee change. Contact your veterinarian or board certified behaviorist if behavior persists.